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Projects/Oxygen/namingSpec/places: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
Jpetso (talk | contribs)
More KDE 3 names.
Jpetso (talk | contribs)
dobey had a somewhat nicer approach to bookmarks -> plan to use user-bookmarks and user-favorites in the future
(33 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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  file-broken              -> rework into emblems/emblem-unreadable.
  bookmarks                -> user-bookmarks (added to the spec
                             Currently only in use by apps/libs as
                             only recently, in CVS)
                            "image could not be loaded" substitute.
document-multiple        OK ** (KDE 3 name: kmultiple)
favorites                -> user-favorites **
  folder                  OK
  folder                  OK
folder-remote            OK
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  folder-video            -> svn rm
  folder-video            -> svn rm
                             (emulate with folder + emblem overlay)
                             (emulate with folder + emblem overlay)
  network-wired            -> network-workgroup
  mail-folder-inbox        OK ** (KDE 3 name: folder_inbox)
  network-local            -> devices/network-wired
mail-folder-outbox      OK ** (KDE 3 name: folder_outbox)
  start-here              OK (KDE 3 name: apps/kmenu)
mail-message            ?? (KDE 3 name: mail_generic)
  trashcan-empty-alt      -> svn rm, or move to alternative/
network-workgroup       OK (KDE 3 name: network)
  network-server          OK (KDE 3 name: server)
network-server-database  OK ** (no corresponding icon in KDE 3)
  start-here              OK (did not exist in KDE 3)
start-here-kde          OK ** (KDE 3 name: apps/kmenu)
  user-desktop            OK (KDE 3 name: filesystems/desktop)
  user-home                OK (KDE 3 names: folder_home, folder_home2)
  user-home                OK (KDE 3 names: folder_home, folder_home2)
user-identity            OK ** (KDE 3 name: identity)
  user-trash              OK (KDE 3 name: trashcan_empty)
  user-trash              OK (KDE 3 name: trashcan_empty)

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== To do for Oxygen ==
== To do for Oxygen ==

Icons that are in the spec, but not yet in Oxygen's places/ (after renaming) so they need to be added. Descriptions taken from the specification.
Nothing to be done, places implements all of the naming spec correctly :D
  The icon used for normal directories on a remote filesystem.
  (Editor's note: Move from devices/drive-remote for now.)
  The icon used for individual host machines under the
  “Network Servers” place in the file manager.
  (Editor's note: a computer in a network.)
start-here -- (dmiller: DONE, but left here for generic icon discussion)
  The icon used by the desktop's main menu for accessing places,
  applications, and other features. (Editor's note: apps/kmenu
  should be moved to start-here-kde so that GNOME desktops
  with Oxygen icons won't get the KDE icon in their panel.
  So could we have a more generic start-here icon for this?)
  The icon for the special “Desktop” directory of the user.
== To do for Oxygen -- Not in Spec ==
Icons that are not in the spec, and not yet in Oxygen's places/ (after renaming) so they need to be added.
== Summary of the suggested changes and additions ==
The ones marked with * and should therefore go into the icon naming specification, presented here in a shorter list for a better overview. Including a suggested short description text like needed for inclusion in the spec.
network-workgroup -> network-local
  The icon for local networks and workgroups within the network.
  (jpetso: hm... is the suggestion still current or should we
            simply drop it?)

== Stuff that needs to be done in the code ==
== Stuff that needs to be done in the code ==

* Replace root folder occurrences (folder-red) with drive-harddisk?
* Replace root folder occurrences (folder-red/folder-root) with drive-harddisk? (Discuss with kde-usability first.)
  (Discuss with kde-usability first.)
* Use folder-remote in remote:/.
  (Also discuss with kde-usability.)

Latest revision as of 11:12, 27 May 2008

Specification compliance of icon names

Icon names without trailing stars already exist in the freedesktop.org icon naming specification.

 bookmarks                -> user-bookmarks (added to the spec
                             only recently, in CVS)
 document-multiple        OK ** (KDE 3 name: kmultiple)
 favorites                -> user-favorites **
 folder                   OK
 folder-remote            OK
 folder-yellow            -> Keep for now, but try to bring up some
                             substitute functionality, like tinting
                             folders by code, or putting the regular
                             folder on a colored background.
 folder-video             -> svn rm
                             (emulate with folder + emblem overlay)
 mail-folder-inbox        OK ** (KDE 3 name: folder_inbox)
 mail-folder-outbox       OK ** (KDE 3 name: folder_outbox)
 mail-message             ?? (KDE 3 name: mail_generic)
 network-workgroup        OK (KDE 3 name: network)
 network-server           OK (KDE 3 name: server)
 network-server-database  OK ** (no corresponding icon in KDE 3)
 start-here               OK (did not exist in KDE 3)
 start-here-kde           OK ** (KDE 3 name: apps/kmenu)
 user-desktop             OK (KDE 3 name: filesystems/desktop)
 user-home                OK (KDE 3 names: folder_home, folder_home2)
 user-identity            OK ** (KDE 3 name: identity)
 user-trash               OK (KDE 3 name: trashcan_empty)

 * suggesting this for inclusion into the icon naming specification
 ** not in the spec, but let's keep it out of there anyways,
    it's not really suited to be a standard icon

To do for Oxygen

Nothing to be done, places implements all of the naming spec correctly :D

Stuff that needs to be done in the code

  • Replace root folder occurrences (folder-red/folder-root) with drive-harddisk? (Discuss with kde-usability first.)