KDE PIM/Akonadi/Testing

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Akonadi Test and Benchmark Infrastructure

Akonadi Testrunner

Igor's GSoC project, found in kdepimlibs/akonadi/tests/testrunner. The Akonadi Testrunner sets up an isolated Akonadi server (which implies a separated D-Bus server) based on an environment configuration file.

Creating Testrunner Environments

Documentation based on Igor's mail to kde-pim ML:

First you need create a configuration file in KStandardDirs config resource type (try to use: kde4-config --path config, to find the path in my case the path is /usr/share/kde4/config) , the configuration file is a xml and look like:


 <kdehome>/home/igor/kde/installs/trunk </kdehome>
 <item location="/path/to/file.vcf"


Using the Testrunner

Interactive Use

For manual usage, the testrunner provides an interactive mode in which it sets up the environment and provides a way to "switch" into it.

First, start the testrunner:

$ akonaditest -c config.xml &

Once the setup is complete, it creates a shell script containing the necessary environment variable changes to switch into the test environment:

$ source testenvironment.sh

The environment variables of the current shell are then changed to point to the test environment (eg. KDEHOME, DBUS_*, etc.). Every Akonadi application run in that shell operates on the Akonadi server of the test environment.

To terminate and cleanup the test environment, run:

$ shutdown-testenvironment

Note that your shell afterwards still points to the (now no longer existing) test environment and might not work as expected anymore.

Non-Interactive Use

kdepimlibs/akonadi/tests uses the Akonadi Testrunner to run unittests in an isolated environment. For automated usage, the testrunner can be used in a non-interactive way:

$ akonaditest -c config.xml <comand> <params>

The testrunner will run command params within the isolated environment and terminate afterwards.

This can be used from within CMake (example based on kdepimlibs/akonadi/tests):

macro(add_akonadi_isolated_test _source)

 set(_test ${_source})
 get_filename_component(_name ${_source} NAME_WE)
 kde4_add_executable(${_name} TEST ${_test})
   akonadi-kde akonadi-kmime ${QT_QTTEST_LIBRARY}
 # based on kde4_add_unit_test
 if (WIN32)
   get_target_property( _loc ${_name} LOCATION )
   set(_executable ${_loc}.bat)
 else (WIN32)
   set(_executable ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/${_name})
 endif (WIN32)
 if (UNIX)
   set(_executable ${_executable}.shell)
 endif (UNIX)
 find_program(_testrunner akonaditest)
 add_test( libakonadi-${_name} 
   ${_testrunner} -c


KNUT Test Data Resource

In kdepim/akonadi/resources, fully featured resource that operates on a single XML file. File format is decribed in knut.xsd and follows closely the internal structure of Akonadi. New files can be created in eg. Akonadiconsole by creating a resource and specifying a non-existing file.

Akonadi Scriptable Resource

Second part of Igor's GSoC project, currently in playground/pim/akonaditest.


Akonadi Benchmarker

In kdepimlibs/akonadi/test, part of Robert's thesis.



Akonadi Server

Usable without installation, run with ctest/make test as usual.


These tests use the Akonadi Testrunner, the test environment is found in kdepimlibs/akonadi/tests/unittestenv.


The tests do not yet completely work without having certain components installed, namely:

  • Akonadi Server
  • KNUT resource

Running the tests

The tests can be run automatically using ctest/make test as usual. To run a single test manually, it needs to be executed using the Akonadi testrunner:

$ cd kdepimlibs/akonadi/test $ akonaditest -c unittest/config.xml $BUILDDIR/test_executable.shell


Are there any? TODO